CFO services

The success of your company requires strong financial management...

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Transaction services

Are you considering investing in a new project or selling a business?...

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Holding services

We help you make profitable long-term investments and manage...        

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Profits Sharing agreements

A powerful tool to boost employee engagement while saving...

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years of experience

About Sextant Finance

Sextant Finance is a financial consulting firm specialised in startups and SMEs.

Our personalised methodology ensures that we understand your business and challenges to provide you with the best advice and solutions.

Our mission is to make senior financial expertise accessible on-demand for entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Discover how we have contributed to their success
Client Testimonials
img MoneyTrack

"As an entrepreneur, it is so valuable to benefit from the services of a senior CFO at a fraction of the cost! Just a few days per month is enough for Julien to manage our controlling team, help me structure and steer the company, challenge my ideas, or prepare for an upcoming negotiation."

Christophe Doré


img Truffle Capital

"As Truffle Capital was considering a greenfield venture project, we engaged Julien to prepare a business plan. Beyond providing financial accuracy, Julien possesses a strong business acumen that was great to challenge our key business assumptions and set the financial objectives of the newly-founded company”

Patrick Lord

Senior Partner

img Atmos Platics

“When I needed to raise debt to complete a MBO on Ecoplastics, I engaged Julien to prepare an information memorandum. I knew the business inside out, however Julien’s contribution was very valuable: not only did he save me time, he was also able to select key information and consider the banker's perspective”

Alain Maubert


img Triple A Capital

"In a small cap transaction, you need to get useful financial insights from your financial due diligence in a matter of days. Being quick and agile, this is exactly what Julien provided me on a few occasions"

Constantin Pellissier


img Palate Club

"When faced with an important decision for Palate Club, I presented the situation to Julien, a person I could trust to take up the challengea. He is a very clear-headed mind particularly when it comes to solving complex problems. He quickly shed light on the situation and guided me in the right direction."

Nicolas Mendiharat


Business Partner for Startups | SMEs & Investors
Trust our financial experts. We are by your side to make sense of your figures.